Thursday, March 12, 2009

University of the West Indies

     Wednesday and Thursday were the last days our group was on campus. These two days were extremely eventful in various ways.

For one we continued our community groups with Campus Crusade for Christ.

Second of all we had many meaningful relationships started due to the selfless acts of the individual groups. (Three to a group)

Lastly we used sports such as Frisbee and American football, not futbol, to bring curious Bajans to us and use this as a medium to talk to them.

     Wednesday we also held our own worship service where music and preaching were done by the students. Matt Brown, Jonathan Bishop, and McKenzie Martin lead music before Ryan Campbell brought a message to us.

This was a great time to slow down, rest and just recognize that God is able to be with us in Barbados worshipping as well as at Rock Springs in South Carolina, about 2000 miles away.

This week has been a refreshing time for our group, and also a time of revelation in that God is God no matter where you are or how you worship him.

Please pray for the students of UWI and pray that the Christian groups on campus continue to grow and minister to the students.

                                     Correspondent Josh Gibson

Do You Have A Greater Love?

While here in Barbados we have been working with a group called Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC), we are working with and trough them for the Word. Through them we are trying to make connections and relationships with the students of UWI.

CCC has a once weekly meeting on Tuesday night. This past Tuesday night we had the opportunity and pleasure to participate with them in the meeting. During the meeting the members of the CCC lead the worship time.

It was amazing for us to see the intensity of the worship down here.

Later on in the meeting, Josh and Jonathan (me), worshiped through a drama about being a true Christian instead of just acting like one. You might notice this skit as Dumb as a Stick. Right before the message for the evening was brought, Jonathan (me) and McKenzie Martin, brought forth a special song called Healer. Then, the Spirit of God really moved and spoke though a local named Matthew.

The theme for the CCC for this month is “Do You Have A Greater Love?”  That of course is referring to the great love of Jesus Christ. The group tries to focus on the fact that it is relationship above religion, that just because one goes to church or is a “good” person that they automatically are going to heaven.

Please be praying for the CCC and their witness and future opportunities to share Christ. Pray for the missionaries here, Rick and Cindy, to make real connections with the students here.

Monday, March 9, 2009

First Day @ UWI

This beautiful day started out by watching a beautiful sunrise over the ocean. We had no idea what the day had in store and only could admire the amazing glory of the Lord’s hand upon His creation.

Later that morning Rick (Jenkins), one of the IMB missionaries to Barbados, explained to us the tentative schedule for the rest of the day. 

We later would take the first of many trips to the University of the West Indies (Barbados). 

The people of Barbados are so friendly and welcoming; we came onto that campus and were loved immediately. 

We met up with some UCCF people, the same that produced and performed the drama attended on Saturday night. UCCF stands for University College Christian Fellowship, one of the 2 main Christian organizations on the campus of UWI. 

During the remainder of the week we will be working with Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC), the other Christian group on campus.

On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, we will be helping with activities ranging from sports ministry, to small group bible studies, to the large CCC ministry on Tuesday night.

Today we really got to connect with the people attending UWI in hopes of building lasting relationships. These connections might give them the opportunity to interact with CCC in future sessions and activities.                   `

McKenzie Martin, a Freshman Early Childhood Education Major at North Greenville University, had this to say, “I was able to talk to several girls today and have the privileged to invite them to the girl’s bible study that is happening tomorrow and Wednesday. The students involved with the Campus Crusade for Christ were so excited to see us and talking to them was such an encouragement. Jeremy, the first guy I encountered at the campus, happened to be involved in CCC. He was extremely nice and taught me so much about the Bajan culture, even though he continuously made fun of my accent. I believe that the Holy Spirit is really doing a great work here”

Josh Gibson, a sophomore Christian Studies major at North Greenville University, said this about his experience “Today I met up with some of the students involved in UCCF and they gave my group a tour of the campus.  After lunch I was invited to join Kelvin and Chris to their small group. This group consisted of three new students I haven’t met before. Chance and LeMarc were that really interested to hear what I, an American, had to say. It was reassuring to find out that know that no matter where people are from, they still the same struggles.  I am excited to see what is to come through the small groups we have planned the rest of the week. Change happens close up, relational ministry.”   

We are so ready to see what God has planned for the rest of this week. He has revealed Himself to us so much this week already and we cannot wait to see what he has in store for our hearts as well as the ones of the people of Barbados. 

Pray for the remainder of this week and the CCC ministries. Pray for our hearts to be changed as well as the people of Barbados. We love you all and are expecting your prayers to help us though the rest of the week.

Correspondent: Jonathan Bishop 

Sunday, March 8, 2009

“The Church is the Agent of Change in a Changing Age”

Sunday Morning March 8, 2009

Today our mission team met up with the missionaries after a restful night of in a breezy, coastal area. Our team headed down to Redemption Church which is a church we visited last year.

“Having the opportunity to visit Redemption Church again this year was such a privilege. It is a blessing to be able to worship with other Christians across the world. The pastor is so passionate when he preaches, and we’ve continually found the people here to be very warm and welcoming.” - Faith Morris, Furman University Grad 2006.

Today Pastor Burke didn’t preach, but he had one of his deacons bring God’s word. Our group has many members that are new to Barbados and had the privilege to experience the culture and worship styles at church for the first time. One of these new members is Chris Bowers.

“During the visit to Redemption Church this morning I realized that when we all get to Heaven then truly it will be ALL of us! From every nation! The style of worship was a little different from what I am accustomed but you could tell that God was there and that they truly knew they were doing God’s work. I truly believe that as a “Church” church whole, we need a change. This morning’s message was right on track with that. There is nothing except God that we can lean on for change!” - Chris Bowers the 9:30 College Bible Fellowship Teacher

God Has blessed our team so much already that many people feel like they have been here more than just two days. God is definitely at work on this island and we are excited to get involved.


· Tonight we are attending a different church named People’s Baptist and we ask if everyone would be in prayer for that.

· Tomorrow we are starting our relational ministry with the students on the campus of UWI (University of West Indies)

Please keep in your mind
“Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” 1 Thess. 5:16-17

Correspondent Josh Gibson

“Let God Blow Your Mind!!!”

Saturday Night:

The venue was a church in Bridgetown, Barbados. While there we met with UCCF, one of UWI’s Christian organizations, to observe a drama. The drama was about the lives of 4 different people, each of which the people of Barbados could relate to in their struggle of finding God in everyday situations. It also showed how we can still praise him through the hard times that we all face. The drama group did an excellent job! At least 2 people got saved through this production!


Pray for the people that got saved.

Ryan Campbell, Anderson University Grad, 2007 had this to say about the drama, “It’s truly a blessing to see such passion and such desire amongst young singles and college age students such as ourselves radiating throughout the service last night. The music, presentation through drama, and then even the invitation to closing prayer was all filled with a fire that only God can instill amongst his people. God is AWESOME!!! And I pray he continues to use this group to ‘blow minds’ throughout Barbados! Such an encouragement.”



There are several differences in the culture here in Barbados and in America. One of the main things that one will notice in Barbados is the dialect.

Oh my word!

When we got here I wasn’t worried too much about the language, because Bajan people speak English right? The fact of the matter is that the dialect is so thick that sometimes they can be hard to understand. Although, thanks to God’s great provision, so far, nothing has been too hard to decipher.

Despite the cultural barrier, we were still able to make the connection with the Bajan people. Keri Gibson, Senior Elem. Education Major at North Greenville University had this to say about her first Barbados Experience, “Last night was the first service that I had the opportunity to go to in Barbados. It was great to meet high school and college students and worship with our brothers and sisters in Christ. God truly was moving in among the students. Many decisions were made after watching the drama. I was spiritually encouraged and filled from attending this event.”  


Along with dialect, several different colloquialisms came up that really intrigued my interest. One, for instance, is that Bajan people call what we think to be French fries, chips. Like if you were to get a burger and fries, you would say,

“Hey! I wanna burger and chips, mon!”

But the colloquialism that I want to talk to you about is one that I heard at the UCCF worship/drama that we saw upon arriving Saturday night. The pastor/leader of the drama troop, Raphael Saul, was giving the invitation after the service, and used the expression,

“Let God blow your mind!”

The words hit me like a semi truck! This week, above anything that I could ever imagine I hope that God absolutely “Blows my Mind” to anything and everything that I have every tried to conceive about His awesome provision and goodness. This week I want you to pray that God uses us to reveal Him in a way to “Blow the Minds” of the people that we encounter in Barbados. Our God is Awesome and deserves all our praise.

Correspondent: Jonathan Bishop 

Testimonials Foot Note:

Ryan “It’s truly a blessing to see such passion and such desire amongst young singles and college age students such as ourselves radiating throughout the service last night. The music, presentation through drama, and then even the invitation to closing prayer was all filled with a fire that only God can instill amongst his people. God is AWESOME!!! And I pray he continues to use this group to ‘blow minds’ throughout Barbados! Such an encouragement.”


Keri “Last night was the first service that I had the opportunity to go to in Barbados. It was great to meet high school and college students and worship with our brothers and sisters in Christ. God truly was moving in among the students. Many decisions were made after watching the drama. I was spiritually encouraged and filled from attending this event.”   

"It's A God Thing"

Saturday Afternoon March 7, 2009

As we reached the airport in Barbados around three we meet up with Rick and Cindy, the missionaries. It was a time great time of reunion with lots of hugs.
Rick then volunteered me to ride in the taxi with the luggage and complete stranger. I wasn’t frightened by this, but more excited to be able to sit in the front of a van that drives on the wrong side of the road.

Rick mentioned, “if you get lost going to our house, you won’t freak out” as being the reason I was volunteered. So we got lost as you could imagine.

Although I didn’t get scared I prayed that God guide us to a place that he has never been before and that I have only been to once, over a year ago. I noticed a lot of places that I have seen before, so I began to lead my new friend Condre, if that’s how you spell it.

As Condre and I were driving to find the group at a place we were both unfamiliar with I was able to create a relationship with him. We talked about general Bajan culture to music then to church.

Even though I believe Condre is not a believer, by what he said, he was a delightful person to converse with. I told him what our group was in Barbados to do and invited him to join us a church on Sunday. He said would try even though he was busy, but no promises. God truly is an amazing God never ceases to amaze me.

Condre Keep saying “No worries mon, this is Barbados we’ll find it.” We did find it.”
With God’s help and guidance we did find it. Rick, the missionary, stated once we got to our destination without following them, “It’s a God thing.”

Correspondent Josh Gibson

In The Air

Why Hello There!

This is Jonathan Bishop, Directly corresponding to you from in the air somewhere on the way to Barbados.

This is my first flight ever and I will have to admit that the take-off was the most nerve-racking thing of all, but we felt your prayers and things are going quite swimmingly.

Before the flight, we got to experience the wonderfulness of baggage check, things went smoothly there too, and despite our efforts we made it onto the plane and will be safely arriving in sunny Barbados shortly. 

The thing about flying is that it gets you thinking about your life and how finite (temporary) it is. While I was up here, in the air, I had the opportunity to read a few things for school and pleasure:

It seemed like everything that I had to read was about making more of God and less of me; to become less selfish so that His glory may increase. 

Our lives are so short in respect to the vastness of eternity, and our purpose while we are here on earth is to live for His glory. We are told by the Word of God to worship God in all circumstance, “weather by life or death” we are to glorify the Lord.

Wait …

By death?

That’s right! Even by death we are to Glory in the power of God, and the salvation that he saved us by the deserved justice of sin. 

We, in life, are to rejoice in knowing that we serve an awesome God. In death we should be satisfied in knowing that we are going to see Him that has saved us from Hell for Him!

That’s the realization that finally hit me, while I am hanging here miles above the surface of the earth. The truth is, Barbados may not be a hostile nation towards the preaching of the Gospel, but the reality is that none of us know our time to die.

Each moment that we live could be our last.

 We should live our life accordingly, in the reality of God’s Grace and Mercy. We are going to give our all with a lot of help from the Amazing God we serve.

As you read this I hope you are praying for the mission team as well as the missionaries that will be directing our efforts when we get there. Pray for the 4 teams that will be split to minister while we are there:


Team 1:

  • ·         Scott Allen
  • ·         John-Mark Morris
  • ·         Faith Morris
  • ·         Jonathan Bishop

Team 2:

  • ·         Steve Epperson
  • ·         Josh Gibson
  • ·         Keri Gibson
  • ·         McKenzie Martin

      Team 3

  • Ashley Bowers
  • ·         Ryan Campbell
  • ·         Robin Shultz
  • ·         Emily Danuser

Team 4:

  • ·         Chris Bowers
  • ·         Matt Brown
  • ·         Alyssa Martin
  • ·         Quenton McClure

Local IMB Missionaries:

  • ·         Rick Jenkins
  • ·         Cindy Jenkins

Please take into consideration everyone that is going and pray for us all. If we delight ourselves in Him, the Lord is able to grant us the desire of our hearts. Our desire is to spread the Light of God while we are in Barbados, please pray for the people of Barbados to have receiving hearts and for our words to not be our own, instead, that God would speak though us for His eternal glory.

Psalm 37:4           Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

Here is what to be expecting in this next week:

As the week wares onward, we will keep you informed of all things related through the mission trip. This will be done through video testimonials, written testimonials, and various pray requests.

During the remainder of the week we will be ministering to the people on the campus of the University of the West Indies (UWI). On the way to the college, to minister to the people, we will be riding the local bus transport system and be using that as additional evangelism opportunities.

Again, while we are in Barbados, just like any other mission adventure, things are subject to change and we will inform you accordingly. Once again any and all of your PRAYERS are appreciated.

PRAYER is the main way you can help us complete His work for people.

Talk to you again soon!

Correspondent: Jonathan Bishop